Get involved
If you’re interested in upcoming events and opportunities organized around the Future of being Human community, please sign up for regular updates.
Engagewith the community
We organize everything from local meetups to discuss and explore compelling ideas around the future of being human, to online discussions, high profile public events, and even retreats.
To make sure you’re in the loop with what’s happening when, make sure you’re on the email list!
Explore thefutureof being human
We are developing new opportunities for students at ASU to be part of a unique learning environment inspired by the future of being human including our weekly undergraduate meetup Pizza and a Slice of Future. If your an undergraduate and want to know more, contact Andrew Maynard at andrew.maynard@asu.edu
We’ll also be developing other opportunities and resources that opens up learning way beyond ASU, so please stay tuned!
Partnerwith us
We’re actively seeking partners interested in supporting and engaging with the initiative in multiple ways. If you’re interested in being part of catalyzing transformative conversations amongst bold and audacious thinkers about what it will mean to be human in the future, please contact Andrew Maynard at andrew.maynard@asu.edu
Stay intouch
We are actively seeking to connect with bold and audacious thinkers who are passionate about exploring the future of being human with us. If you’re interested in staying in touch, or getting more involved with the community, please check out the link below.